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Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet. I enjoy a wide variety of games, but I often play action adventure games mostly with varying degrees of success.

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Hello and welcome to my little corner of twitch. I play a wide range of genres with various degrees of success. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Please keep in mind, I do run ads. They suck, but I try to keep them to a minimum. If you like what you have seen, and me to stop while ads are playing, please say something in chat, and I'll stop playing until the ads go away. Welcome in and enjoy the show.
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*Please ask for permission to post links. Click on links at your own risk. *This stream is for relaxing and playing games. I would like to keep real-life issues and events out of the stream: past, present, or future. If you would like to speak about issues like that, this will not be the stream for you. This is not exclusive to the chatters and mods, I'm included with this as well. So please, if you have something you want to say on a matter, take that to a place that is accepting of speaking of such events. Depending on the severity of the topic, this could be timeout or ban worthy. 1st offence is a timeout, 2nd is a longer timeout, 3rd offence and you're out. Depending on the severity, this can go straight to a ban. *Most of all, have fun. Free free to chat it up, ask questions, lurk, etc. *No donations, or bits are not required. This is a fun stream, while I do run ads, I will try and accommodate to the best of my ability. Please note, if I'm dual streaming I'll not have a mic up and running. I'll trying an communicate the best I can.


Hey everyone! I'm always on the look out for sounds for people to use while I'm playing a game. If you want to use them, then use channel points or you can use the following: !dame, !toy, !bonk, !sleep, !falling Any suggestions, let me know!
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Hey everyone! I'm happy to announce that I've partnered with Dubby. I've partnered with them because since I'm a diabetic I have to be careful of what I consume. So I can't just have anything off of the shelf. This hits the right spot for me, and hopefully it will for you.