Баннер профиля для tacopoiice

3,1 тыс. фолловеров


Tacopolice - Cali - Reach Swat True Skill #3 - 2.82 Kd - Halo 4 Swat #1 Swat CSR 2.5 Kd - Just a Sweaty Reach Kid but ill be streaming H3/H4 as well = ]


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Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
$4.99 Best way to show some love and support the stream!! Sub Games,Discord Role, Sub Emotes"soon", Help Subs achieve CHAMPION all week, Also Helping Subs with FLAWLESS trials all weekend (When not at work) Not Necessary im just as grateful for those viewers who are here chillin with the FAM!! 1 love=]
Содержимое панели
White Xbox One Controller Stick Layout - Default Look Inversion - Not Inverted Look Sensitivity - 4-5 Autolook Centering - Disabled Crouch Behavior - Hold to Crouch Clench Protection - Disabled Flight - Inversion - Not Inverted ##NO Vibration Astros a40s MixAmpPro #Halo 5 Settings Helljumper Sensitivity 4 Slayer/Swat Look AcceL 3 Maintain Sprint: off Auto-Stabilize: off Hold to Clamber: On Vibration: off Inner Dead Zone 0% Outer Dead Zone 0%
Содержимое панели
- Malon148 - $162.79 Twitch.tv/Malon148 <3 Redjoe81 - $50.00 Much love FAM Pinkcatt - $50.00 Twitch.tv/Pinkcatt - <33 + Kaliburr - $30.38 Ride^or Die Twitch.tv/dominant_skills - $30.00 #1 H1Z1 GOD Kreygasm - Smoochinbeaver - $25 & Screen over lays! * Envyosity - $20 and an Envy Raid #HYPE + bW West Side - $20 - JuiceBox - $18 Thanks 4 the Support - Malon148 - $16.00 "Thanks 4 the Challenge homie" <3 Kittentopia - $15.00 - MUCH Love fam<3 Twitch.tv/Bloos_whos - $15.00 #1 streamer yo Dominant_Skills - $10 H1z1 Baller * IronTurtle - $10 Droppin Bombs #holla Cheddamayne - $10 Cheese Mcee Ninjajoo - $10 Breakout FTW thanks fam Crown - $5 - $10 Gamewisp Apperciate the support! + HeadHunter / Aag726 - $5 BB All Day Winnesotan - $5.00 MN BOYZZ <3 - Xvyuka - $5 Kitty cat hype - Alex_Blah58 $5.69 Kappa Pride Its_chaaos - $5.00 Gracias! - WaddupDill $5.00 "Waddup?!?!" * OP BobbyJohnson - $4.20 + Spokey - $2 +Crusxder - $2 Arena hype All Day! - BULLEETT - $2 + FaultLove - $1 - That Snicker Bar doe<3 Donations are **VERY** much appreciated but not necessary Donations will be used for the Stream and upgrading equipment =]
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Want to play with me? #RULES: 1. MUST have mic. NO exceptions 2. Good vibes... if you don't have them you can't chill 3. NEED to be a follower!
Содержимое панели
Need help? just ask! I will try to help as many as possible depending on my work schedule! Make sure to stay tuned in stream for your passage to the LightHouse by winning the raffle! Donators will have top priority