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Join me and sometimes Nerdsy on a very random string of videos ranging from gaming to whatever we decide to do. So come join, watch and chat with us as we go through life.Follow us on Instagram @ TaliannaontwitchAnd follow us on Twitter for updates on when we are going live @ Tallianna

Getting to know us

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Tallianna is a British girl living in a australian world. she took the midnight twitch going anywhere. Nerdsy is just a nerdy guy born and raised in Australia he took the midnight nerdy express going anywhere. Come and join me and Nerdsy as we play random games, travel and do chill day to day things. Follow and be a part of the Taliarmy family <3


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Donate to the Taliarmy family today to help us improve our setup and to help us bring you better quality content Thank you for your continued support to our channel. Without you we wouldn't be where we are today <3


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Join our discord to connect with our Taliarmy Family and come chat with us when we are not streaming.