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I'm Chris Knowles, I've been making games professionally since 2009, and I'm now making indie puzzle game Hexahedra as one-man setup Sidequest Ninja. Come and watch me code! I'm also a Christian, on an inexorable path to heaven because of Jesus.

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I'm **Chris Knowles**, and I joined the games industry in 2007. I've worked on several games since then, the most well-known of which is [RuneScape]( - I left my role as a senior engine developer at Jagex in 2021. I went part-time in late 2019 to start up this venture, [**Sidequest Ninja**](, to make my own games. For my first solo adventure I'm making a puzzle game, **Hexahedra**. Puzzlers are one of my favourite genres, and Hexahedra is a sensible size for me to tackle by myself, although I am contracting artists and musicians to make the game look and sound attractive and satisfying to play. I'm always happy to talk about general game dev stuff during a stream, hit me up with any questions. I'm a Christian, saved by the grace of the **Lord Jesus Christ** and heading for eternal life with him. I write about geeky stuff from a Christian perspective sometimes, check out my [**other website**](
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**DESIGN:** Create automated factories to produce the required products. **REWIND:** A bug in your solution? No problem. Rewind the factory and replay the action to diagnose where things went wrong. **OPTIMIZE:** Compete for peak efficiency with your friends and the world. **CHALLENGE:** Create and share your own puzzles with the built-in editor. **Design** *Hexahedra* is an open-ended programming puzzle game. Fill a cube factory with a variety of devices and program them to work together to produce the required cubes. Each workstation's grid command system allows you to create complex loops, and branching logic flow is enabled by using measurement devices such as lasers to observe the factory's state. Pull apart and reassemble cubes, merge them, paint them, teleport them, set fire to them, add payloads, and ship them off to the customer. **Rewind** Grab the timeline handle and crank time backwards to see the state of the factory in the past. Replay past steps and spot where a solution has a bug or could be made more efficient. **Optimize** Compete against your friends and the rest of the world to produce the quickest or simplest solution to each puzzle. **Challenge** *Hexahedra* will include a level editor to allow you to create your own puzzles and share them, including on the Steam Workshop. **Save (or rule!) the Galaxy** Cubes have become the galaxy's most important commodity, a fact that some intend to exploit to their own advantage. Track down the conspiracy, infiltrate it, and bring it down. Or don't, and take your place amongst the new rulers.
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Head over to the Steam store page where you can watch the latest trailer and add Hexahedra to your wishlist.
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The Sidequest Ninjas were drawn by [Ana Steiner]( ([@PoddlePea](, and my avatar was drawn by [Erin Middendorf]( ([@artoferin]( They're both great artists and it was great fun to work with them and see the sketches turn into the finished pieces. Go and check them out!