ผู้ติดตาม 1.5K คน


Hi, I'm tatsuchan. I've been living in Japan since 14 years ago. I'm Italian but I speak some English, Japanese and my native language, Italian, as well. Please feel free to stop by and say hi~ in either one of these languages XD And don't be afraid to ask me any questions you want about Japan ~

Wanna support me? Tip me~ Thank you~ Much appreciated~!
Wanna support me? Donate~! Thank you~ Really appreciated~!

!Chat Commands

Enjoy the Chat commands! (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ 💠!pokelp - *NEW* to check your loyalty progress! 💠!pokecatch - to catch Pokémon! 💠!pokecheck - to check the Pokémon! 💠!pokepass - to check your stats! 💠!pokedex - check your Pokédex numbers! 💠!pokebuddy /pokeflex - check your Favored Pokémon! 💠!BONK - ouch! 💠!F - Tokochan f*cked up! 💠!FAIL - Epic fail! 💠!JOIN - Get in the battle! 💠!LOL - Epic Chase! 💠!TATSU - Tokochan big call! 💠!UP - Level up! We did it! 💠!VICTORY - WIIIIIN! 💠!UWU - UwU <3 💠!NANI - Omae wa mou, shindeiru! NANI?! 💠!VICTORY - WIN! 💠!ERROR - Windows Error! 💠!DAMAGE - Emotional Damage! 💠!GRUB - We saved a Grub! Grub love~ <3 💠!KMT - Just 5 dollars, like a coffee! 💠!RIGGED - So RIGGED! 💠!JASON - Jason? Jason!? Jaaaason~! And ever more to discover~ Up to you to find them all :P For any other additions, you can ask in chat~! ^^ Enjoy~!

Emotes Credits

The channel emotes are provided by SleepyTeaLeaf, who does also commissions. Some of her emotes are also for free but make sure to share some love as she's a talented person~!