Profile banner for tbone5011



We don't know much about them, but we're sure TBone5011 is great.


**Thanks for checking out the channel!** I try to stream as much as possible, which now, since it's the school year, will be every little chance I get.

A Little About Me:

Panel Content
I am a student at Whitworth University in the US. Currently I am studying Math/Physics and I am looking into a career in Applied Mathematics. I started playing video games as every kid should with Super Mario and Pokémon on GameBoy. I've been an Xbox guy since my brother gave me his original Xbox ten years ago, which I still own and it still works! I am playing all my games on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

What I'm Playing (and Want to Play)

###Currently Playing: + *Super Mario: Odyssey* ###Up Next To Play: + *The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*