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> # **○** This is a 18+ stream. Please no NSFW content. This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other graphically disturbing content. Although this community is 18+, we want folks to be able to browse chat in public or with friends without any NSFW content. > # **○** Treat everyone with respect. We are committed to cultivating a safe environment. Zero tolerance for but not limited to racism, pedo rhetoric, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, anti-Semitism, sexual harassment, witch-hunting, and/or doxxing. > # **○** No spam or self-promotion *...without permission from a host or Moderator.* > # **○** Questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions? Contact a Moderator. We never want someone to feel uncomfortable. If you have an issue with a member in the chat, don’t attack them on social media. Either reach out to the person in DMs or contact a Mod. > # **○** Bans may occur even if no rule exists saying something isn't allowed. The Moderation team reserves the right to remove people as we feel is needed based on their overall conduct for the health and safety of the chat.
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