
Ehm, I'm awesome and such. I dunno. SOMETHING!

Panel Content
******** I will usually post about upcoming streams on [my Twitter](https://twitter.com/TeaTeaKay).
Panel Content
These panels were created with a [tool](http://panels.logiz.net/) designed by my good friend [Logiz](http://www.logiz-touches-pigs.com).
Panel Content
******** While I don't expect anybody to [donate to me](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/TeaTeaKay), there is always somebody crazy out there with more money than sense. Any of you crazies who *do* donate will earn my undying love, whether you like it or not!
Panel Content
* AMD FX-8350 Eight Core @ 4.11ghz * 32gb Ram * NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 * Corsair M95 * Corsair K70 * 500 gb SSD * Two 24" monitors