Баннер профиля для terrifictori

10 фолловеров


Welcome to my channel! ^.^

Содержимое панели
Hi im tori I'm a shy girl who loves to play video games even tho i am not the best! I struggle with generalized anxiety disorder but that is not going to stop me from doing this! FAQ How old? 25 Where are you from? Texas How tall are you? 5’0 Pets? 3 dogs and 2 cats! Zodiac sign? Leo
Содержимое панели
Be kind No racism No threats No spamming No self-promoting No cussing No sexual content No backseat gaming aka criticism of how i play
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Donations are completely voluntary but they are highly appreciated! ^.^