Profile banner for teuthidan



This is Dan's channel of mediocrity. Welcome.


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Welcome to my channel, I kinda just play whatever interests me with little consistency, although you could often find me playing the Project Diva games.


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I don't have one, but I do tend to stream more often on weekends or in the afternoon (EST).

Chat Rules

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If you have to think "is this allowed?" then 9 times out of 10, it is not. Just don't be weird or rude please.


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I share a discord server with my friends, the rest of the Nine Cards team. I mostly use it for saving stream clips and notifying when I go live. You can also ask me questions directly when I'm not streaming, give suggestions, and make it easier to join me if I'm hosting multiplayer. There's no other benefits really unless you like talking to strangers. If you'd like to join, click the banner above. Also Everything you just read there I copied and pasted here from JoeRo's stream info because he wanted me to include a link to the discord here. haha plagiarism