
Open-minded individual who likes to talk and listen to you | Follow me on my other platforms to check out more of my content

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This is Mary. Mary streams to share moments with you guys. She is sorry she doesn't have a schedule with streaming because she has too many hobbies. Mary streams Overwatch a lot. But she also does Just Chatting (like she skates, and she has a lot of ranting about random things). She's a variety streamer who's a lot like a jack in a box... you never know when she'll pop up but it'll be a surprise. Type !gamertag and !social in chat to check which games and social media you can add her on.
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You are very welcome to the chat room! Just remember to: 1. Follow the [Twitch TOS](https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/terms-of-service/) 2. Have fun 3. Actually follow the rules These are 3 VERY simple rules. If you don't follow them you will be warned and get timed out. I don't like banning people because I will never ban a friend. Mary is a very interactive kind of streamer. So if you're looking for a chat, she'll most likely engage
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There are many ways to show your support! 1. Viewing and lurking the channel is support enough for me. The moment you clicked this channel tells me I've attracted your attention, which is a hard thing to do with the population of streamers nowadays. I'm very happy that you've picked ME to watch out of the million other streamers out there. 2. Talking in chat is a **BIG** support for me. This is the **BEST** support you could give me. I cordially invite you to be a part of my chat room! How can I have fun with no one to talk to? So come join the fun in the chat room! *Just keep in mind the 3 simple rules stated in the RULES panel.* 3. Following the channel shows your support, too. I get excited every time i have a new follower and it makes me wanna stream more. Streaming is something that I enjoy doing. And if my stream entertains you that you think it's worth a follow then it will make me so happy and excited. 4. Donations are also a form of support. Donations support me by contributing to the improvement of the quality of the stream, like buying a new PC/laptop/etc. *But always keep in mind that this is money we're dealing with.* You, and a lot more people out there, need it a lot more than I do. Click [here](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/th1s1sm4ry) to donate.
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**PC Specs** CPU: [Ryzen 1600](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/mV98TW/amd-ryzen-5-1600-32ghz-6-core-processor-yd1600bbaebox) Memory: [G.Skill 16GB](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/qGqbt6/gskill-memory-f43200c16d16gvgb) Storage: [WD Blue 500GB SSD](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/rcRFf7/western-digital-blue-500gb-25-solid-state-drive-wds500g1b0a) Video Card: [GTX1060 6GB](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/P7gPxr/asus-geforce-gtx-1060-6gb-6gb-strix-oc-video-card-strix-gtx1060-dc2o6g) Thanks to everyone who donated to me for making it happen!
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These are artworks made by my followers. How nice of them to put the effort of making these!!! - **xxOmega121xx** [M4RY'S dabbing 100x for 100 followers](https://imgur.com/uzExt3d) - **xxOmega121xx** [M4RY loses her mint](https://imgur.com/J6uHVDF) - **misfitju** [dank M4RY meme #1](https://www.instagram.com/p/BHLhg5Wjqao/?taken-by=juju_the_jujutrain) - **misfitju** [dank M4RY meme #2](https://www.instagram.com/p/BHLgXOfDia6/?taken-by=juju_the_jujutrain) - **misfitju** [#pray4m4ry on shoe](https://www.instagram.com/p/BHFFJZHDnOp/?taken-by=juju_the_jujutrain) - **misfitju** [#pray4m4ry meme](https://www.instagram.com/p/BHEuAmQDoBw/?taken-by=juju_the_jujutrain)