Profile banner for th3_guvn0r1



Long Time Gamer | Gym Nut | Sports Fan | Metal Head |

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Hey all you can call me Guv/Guvvy or just simply dan. I've been streaming on and off around 3 years now. As a gamer ive been playing consoles since the early 90's (yes im that old) and thoroughly enjoy all kinds of games. Ive recently made the jump into pc gaming and boy what a ride that is! My main genre to play is MMO's/RPG's but i do venture into alot of other games aswell.
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My current schedule is as and when i can stream, my irl job takes up a lot of hours and some weeks i can only stream once (usually friday)
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My go to place for all things gaming
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Neither expected or required however all tips are graciously received and will be used towards improving my equipment to make the streams even better and bringing better content for our community! (all tips are non-refundable)