796 follower


Non ne sappiamo molto, ma siamo certi che ThaiNeedsHelp sia fantastico.

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Hello guys welcome to the stream where you will hear the most outrageous things. Here you'll find mostly tryhard troll games, and a lot of battle royale matchs to end the stream.. Skill tier: POA Gold (highest achieved) Team: Dream Seekerz Guild: Dream Chasers #**CAUTION** This stream is not for the faint-hearted, there will be snappage, exciting moments, salty moments, WTF moments, Bromance moments, anything can happen on this stream =D #**Disclaimer** You may see me rage, 20% of the time it is for entertainment purposes only ;)
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Toxic behavior will not be tolerated, Mods will enforce this heavily. Be as wild as you want but be sure to respect others. As a good friend once said: E.L.E => Everyone Loves Everyone - [thereynaldo](http://twitch.tv/thereynaldo)
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#What are Beans? >Beans are my stream's loyalty points. You earn 20 beans per minute when you stay in the stream. Active viewers earn more beans per second (actively chatting to me or each other). #What is Bankheist? >Bankheist is a game where Beans are used. You bet a certain amount of Beans to start (also to join a current heist) and depending on your luck you'll either come out a with more Beans or lose the ones you bet. **!bankheist <# of Beans>** [command to start/join] #What are the Bankheist levels? >Level 1: 1 - 6 users; Payout multiplier is 1.50 >Level 2: 7 - 12 crew; Payout multiplier is 1.80 >Level 3: 13 - 18 crew; Payout multiplier is 2.20 >Level 4: 19 - 24 crew; Payout multiplier is 2.87 >Level 5: 25+ crew; Payout multiplier is 3.33 #What are the exact winning % for each bankheist level? >Level 1: 51% >Level 2: 42% >Level 3: 35% >Level 4: 31% >Level 5: 27%
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Dont know why anyone would donate to me however if you feel the need to then here is the link. All donations will be used to keep me alive =) #Donations **Kjmeua** 50.0 **Cain557** 30.00 **HarlemNYC** 6.39 **Your_BooBoo** 5.00 **Emjaywhy** 0.00 **jojo** 0.00 **eppie25** 5.00 **HornEexpress214** 1.00 **Seabass** 0.00 **treborray** 3.00 **OG** 0.00 **bicflikr** 0.00 **iiiprincex3** 5.00 **jeff** 5.00 **Gin3rMike ** 0.00 **PopeDave** 0.00 **Magik_Man** .00 **Timbokill** .98 **kb513** .00 **Lulu** .00 **McMittens666** .00 **TheOtherSection** .00 **Pxg_1framelink** .00 **Era** .00 **King_zir** .00
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I'm using BlueStacks 1 to play Vainglory on my 2015 Asus laptop. Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz GeForce GTX 850M
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