thanitose 的個人檔案橫幅

6,374 位追隨者


Words and such.

Hey there, viewer! Wanna join me and the rest of you in a fun-filled chatroom? We can all hang out, play games, and exchange only the dankest memes on the internet! Click the image above or down below to join! [DISCORD, HECK YEAH!](
Greetings and salutations! I am Thanitose. Many of you may know me as "The Boss" from my YouTube channel, where I uploaded a rather popular Dark Souls 3 video dubbed "Being the Boss". If you know me through that, welcome to the stream! If you're new, I welcome you aboard with open arms! I like to stream a variety of games, typically things I am in the mood for. I have streamed games such as Monster Hunter: World, Hollow Knight, more Dark Souls, Resident Evil, and have plenty of more games I would like to play overtime! Feel free to drop me a follow so you'll get notifications when I go live and you can catch whatever I decide to stream next! I look forward to seeing you in chat n_n7
My stream schedule is as follows, but is subject to change depending on how I feel. Streams have been known to sometimes start late and run later, so be on the lookout! The best place to get stream updates is my Discord. Streaming whenever I get my shit together ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯
Are you feeling super extra generous and wanna show a little love for your *favorite* Twitch streamer? You are by no means obligated to, but it is always appreciated! If you really wanna show some love and shower your boy in love, you can lovingly do so here: Alternatively, you can click the big title card above this section.