แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ tharimrattler

ผู้ติดตาม 668 คน


Stream most days around 7pm-2am. Please follow and share my channel. Currently stream: Street Fighter V MVC2, MW2, CVS2, Castlevania 3, Contra, Super C, Contra 3, RE2. PB/WR for Cannon Spike 6:06. All feedback is welcome!

About me

NES and SNES kid that got into Sega later. In 2001 started playing fighting games almost exclusively. Capcom vs SNK 2 consumed most of my gaming time during 2001-2005, then switched to Marvel vs Capcom 2 in 2005 and played it until Street Fighter 4 released in 2009. Played competitively in tournaments starting around 2003 in the NorCal bay area. Greatest tournament accomplishment is 9th at Evo2k8 in MVC2. Top 10 games in no order: God Hand Final Fantasy 6 Vagrant Story Viewtiful Joe Contra 3 Resident Evil 2 Super Metroid Metal Gear Solid 3 Jet Grind Radio Shadow of the Colossus Recent gaming challenges met: X-Men (SEGA Genesis) - Finished the game with each character solo without swithcing or using any assist X-men on SuperHero difficulty. Cannon Spike (DC) - Beat the game with each character on the hardest difficulty. Contra 3 - Beat the game on Normal, then again on Hard in the same set of continues. Contra: Shattered Soldier - S rank overall. God Hand - Kick ME Sign on normal complete. Castlevania 3 Draculas Curse: Beat the game including hard mode. (Trevor/Alucard) I started speedrunning out of curiosity and started with Cannon Spike. My PB is 6:06 and it is my understanding that it is the WR. DerpinBrothas had the WR of 7:48 and told me I have the record.

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Past streams and clips are available here. Subscribe to YouTube to be notified of new videos!


I will post thoughts of games I'm playing and stream layout stuff on here.


I post pictures from time to time.

Stream Setup

Rig: ASUS Maximus IV, i7 @ 2600K, NVIDIA GTX 580, 16GB Corsair RAM, ASUS VH238 El Gato Game Capture HD, Avermedia Live Gamer Portable, Blue Snowball, Logitech C310, Gearhead 2.0