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Bio below - Go and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

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I'm a software design professional working for a business software company. I'm now a Product Owner, but have been involved in UX for many years now as well. I like to think about UX a lot. My primary theory is that what we call UX in the business world has already existed in the videogame industry for about 3 decades - they just call it 'design' or 'flow' though. I believe that business software designers should look to videogame designers as real experts on UX, with many more years of experience developing this field.
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Visit my YouTube channel - we play even more games on there! This is where I'm most active - I post videos about every day, except when I'm taking a break.
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Come and follow me on Twitter - I mostly just post funny design memes that I find on reddit, but I also occasionally put OC in here as well.
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People still use Facebook, right?
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Be nice to people in the chat. This isn't a 'family friendly' stream per se - but steer away from being a horrible person in the chat.