thatgirljanie 프로필 배너

팔로워 1,677명


Putting the Badass in LG(B)T since 1990. 🏳️‍🌈⚤

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Hey there! My name is Janie and we call this community the Jane Gang! Most of my community (myself included) are LGBTQ+. We bullshit, we have fun, but at the end of the day no one will be disrespecting you here. If they do, the mods or myself will handle it quickly. You wanna feel out a new name or use different pronouns & need a safe space to do so? Bet. Live that life authentically, bb! 💖
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I finally have a merch line that I'm really excited about! There are also a couple of specific Pride items that will help benefit the Stonewall Foundation, as I will be making a donation after each purchase. If you're unfamiliar with who they are and what they do, I highly suggest you check them out! 🏳️‍🌈
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About the only thing that's straight in this channel are The Rules™️. Fastest way to get Das Boot is by coming in hot with some TERF shenanigans. Trans Men are men, Trans Women are women, & our Non-Binary friends know their own identity better than anyone else will. We won't tolerate any racist hate speech or misogynistic behavior. Just be a kind human being, I'm sure we will love you! 💖
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Donations are an incredible gift, but are never in any way expected or encouraged. Choosing to spend your time in chat with us is an amazing way to support and means a great deal to me! Donations that do come through are directed to my PayPal so that your generosity is protected. For those of you who have donated in the past, just know that you have my gratitude already. 💖
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Here are the names of the amazing viewers who saved up and spent 20,000 of their Channel Points to redeem the Charity Donation option and the respective project they chose. ✨ HopefulOpus - The Trevor Project 🏳️‍🌈 TheNekdChef - Wounded Warrior 🎖️ Lonlybbyunicorn - Plume HRT Fund 🏳️‍🌈 HakunaTTV - Capital Tea 🏳️‍🌈 LtTomParis - Justice For Vets 🎖️ Sir Legolance - Stonewall 🏳️‍🌈 LonlybbyUnicorn - New Story 🏠 Thank you infinitely for sharing the charities that are close to your heart with me. This is the Channel Point option that I'm most excited about & has been the most rewarding for me. 💖