Profile banner for thatjoshoverthere



Josh! Artist, animator, and lover of tee shirts. I play a bunch of different games and have plenty of laughs along the way!

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I'm Josh! I'm an artist, nerd, and avid t-shirt lover. My streams are all about casual gaming, randomizers, and the occasional challenge run or speedrun. Feel free to chat, lurk, whatever floats your boat!
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Most-importantly: Hate speech, bigotry, and general douchebaggery will not be tolerated. This is a stream for everyone! Please don't backseat or spoil games for me or anyone else in chat. Experiencing things myself is part of the game, even if that means I suck and it's hard to watch. Failure to abide by these rules will result in timeout or ban.
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My schedule varies from week to week! The best way to keep up is to join the Discord or follow me on Twitter!
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Following and/or subscribing are, of course, totally optional, but they are greatly appreciated! And most-importantly, you get some really fun and goofy emotes to use, so why wait?
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Functional Commands: --!uptime - Tells how long the stream has been live for --!discord - Provides a link to the Combo Move Discord --!library - Provides a link to documentation of my entire game library --!pkmn - Provides a link to documentation of every Pokemon I've had on a team before Weme Commands: --!dateonlyfarmers - "Because city folk just don't get it." --!uwu - UwU --!ooh - Oooooh... gurururu... --!weme or !wemes - Wemes are dreams
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Yes! As a True Animator, I've escaped the third dimension and compressed myself into a sentient cartoon. Seriously though, I use a bunch of self-made animations and a conglomerate of programs to become what Animator/YouTuber ScottFalco calls a ToonTuber. Tutorial is here: Previous I used a program called veadotube mini. It makes PNG and GIFtubing really easy, it's super useful, and you can download it here:
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Yes! If you want to follow me on any other platforms, I can be found on: Twitter: @thatjoshthere Instagram: thtjoshoverthere I share a Discord sever with my boi Micah! Ask or use the !discord command in chat and you'll get a link to join.
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