Profile banner for the_bigwillie



Willie is a nickname given to me by Vahallian trolls after I survived the trial of my life back in 2009. Ever since then I emerged as a not your average human. Let it be known that I shall IRL stream a mile run for every 100 followers and will do a workout at any subscribers' choice.


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A community full of amazing streamers, pretty people, and joy! Check them out.
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I hail from the Big Apple. Gaming since Super Nintendo thanks to my awesome mom gamer. I love to travel and have been at approximately 5% of the entire world. Life goal being 100%. Proud United States Marine Corps veteran. Been an Xbox gamer since early 2000s even though my friends went to Playstation. Any other questions, feel free to give me a holler. -Big Willie Style
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**Monday** 8:30pm - 11:00pm Central Time **Tuesday** 8:30pm - 11:00pm Central Time **Wednesday** 8:30pm - 11:00pm Central Time **Thursday** 8:30pm - 11:00pm Central Time **Friday** 8:30pm - 11:00pm Central Time
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Your visit to Midnight City, home of The Big Willie is the best donation for me. Thank you for your support! For those who goes that extra mile, donations help support the upgrade and upkeep of Midnight City. Donations are never required. The Big Willie will never ask for a donation nor use it for personal uses.
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Hawks Nest

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Would you like to be part of a FUNNY discord channel? Go ahead and click the image and become part of the family.