Profile banner for the_spartan_legend



Hello and welcome to the Spartan Army! I've been a hardcore „Generation Y” gamer since '95 and I'm also a variety streamer, a YouTuber, an IT addict, a Cosmos enthusiast and an Ancient Greece aficionado. Hope to see you during my streams so we can chat, laugh and have an overall good time.

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#**Welcome to my channel!** I was born in Romania on October 10th 1988 under the "username" George. Other than that, nothing too special here since at the end of the day, I guess I'm just your average, normal guy *(although I dare anyone to actually **define** "normal")* and with me, well, the more simple and logical things are, the better. However, that does not mean that I'm not an open-minded person. Now then, with regards to other details, I've been a hardcore gamer since 1995, I'm also an IT "addict", an Ancient Greece aficionado, a Cosmos enthusiast and a Twitch rookie just starting my first streams *(as of May 9th 2021)* on this cool platform. I'm also a hardcore movie buff as well, with a few thousand movies "under my belt", a former bodybuilder and a tattoo lover as well, being the proud owner of 8 tattoos as of now. That number might go higher in the future but that's, well, in an "undecided" status for now. And, among many other things, I was also the Lead Content Creator and Editor for the biggest Romanian "PUBG" Discord Server for 2 years *(2017 - 2019)* and I could go on but modesty is setting in *(a lousy attempt at a bit of humor)* and this panel is getting too big, so yeah, this is more or less a small part of who I am. Anyway, if you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to reach out and contact me on any platform or just ask me anything during my streams.
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Back in 2010 just as I was about to turn 22, a "darkness" of sorts *(for lack of a better word)* started clawing its way into my psyche, growing in strength as time passed. I was later diagnosed with *(among many other afflictions)* certain severe anxiety disorders including, but not limited to, acute depression, numerous critical phobias and a relatively drastic OCD. And no, I'm not ashamed of it nor am I ashamed of being open about it. Since then, it has been slowly digging its way into my brain and life to the point where right now, I cannot have a normal life, no job, no income, almost nothing, since a tremendously large part of my life has been taken away from me and it's apparently not going to stop anytime soon since over a decade later, I can still feel it getting worse with each passing day. I have tried countless potential solutions to find a cure or something similar, but alas, it was all in vain, however this is no way to live and I've decided to start looking for more expensive solutions as of 2021. In the meantime, the only thing "keeping me sane" is my childhood developed passion for the IT field and especially its gaming branch, and this is why I decided that if I play videogames on an almost daily basis, I may as well try out this streaming trend while I'm at it and hopefully, at the same time, maybe make some money to help around the house and/or raise money for my potential cure **[fundraiser.](**
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Why is that? Well, it's simple. Though technically a schedule does exist, it's chaotic to say the least. What the so-called schedule itself means is that I technically have about 10-15 hours *(give or take)* each day to dedicate to gaming, though I do engage in other activities as well, limited as they may be for a person with my disorders. Therefore, with regards to streaming, what all of the above means is that basically I could either stream anywhere within those certain 10-15 hours in a day, or maybe not at all on that certain day. There might also be instances where I don't stream for a whole week or month, or even more. So again, nothing is concrete, which is exactly why I won't post a schedule, although [I do announce every single upcoming stream on **my Discord server**]( a few minutes/hours tops before going live. I'll just try to stream as much as I can *(with a huge emphasis on "TRY")*, but it will most likely be at different times in every case, depending on what else I have to do, when I go to sleep/wake up, how bad my disorders are acting up and so on. Also, I don't use a webcam anymore as it just interferes with my disorders and makes things worse.
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#**NOT required but extremely appreciated!** Methods: 1 - [**Streamlabs**]( 2 - [**StreamElements**]( 3 - [**PayPal**]( I can personally attest to the fact that money doesn't always buy happiness. Sometimes it just can't. Some feelings and states of mind can, at times, be so dramatically low that not even a million dollars could improve them. **On the other hand**, though, I can also attest to the fact that in other cases, even a simple dollar can bring a smile on someone's face and/or make someone's day/week/month. That having been said, **all Twitch donations will go towards improving the channel and keeping it "alive"** by helping around the house with bills and whatnot since I cannot have an actual job, and if anyone wants to help me in my attempt at getting my life back, I'm currently seeking to **[fundraise](** a rather large sum of money *(10.000 euros)* for a potential life-changing solution to my overall health issues, therefore any and all donations towards the fundraiser *(separate from Twitch)* are more than appreciated and will be used to pay for transportation to and from the "**[Acibadem Healthcare Group Center](**" in Istanbul, for the hospitalization, tests, treatment, potential cure and everything else needed in between.
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Not everyone can afford games, right? And many of us have other responsibilities, like bills to pay and so on. Well, occasional giveaways and news concerning free games can be found on the following websites for those of us with potential income struggle and/or little to no games in our libraries *(or maybe you're just a game collector like me)*. Either way, here are my top 5 go-to links regarding giveaways/contests/free games etc. *(and one Discord Bot as a bonus)*: [All Platforms (Reddit)]( [PC Launchers (Free Game Lottery Instagram account)]( [Steam Only (Reddit)]( [Steam Only (Steam Gifts website)]( [Discord Bot (All Platforms)](
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From "Metroid" (1986) to "Cyberpunk 2077" (2020), from "Contra" (1987) to "Days Gone" (2021), and with easily over a thousand games played since 1995 on platforms ranging from consoles such as the "Atari 2600", "Sega Genesis", "Super Nintendo" to PC's like the "Commodore 64", the 1990's IBM models and so on, I think it's safe to say that "I've tried them all" or at least almost all of them. These days, however, I mostly stick to AAA singleplayer titles with the occasional indie title and a few multiplayer/PVE/PVP/co-op games for some relaxation *(like "No Man's Sky" or "Red Dead Online")* or for simply messing around and having some fun *(like "Dead by Daylight" or "Fall Guys")*. I guess you could label me as being a "variety streamer".