Profile banner for thebaldgm



Streams miniature painting.... come over to my little corner on the internet and see me paint all kinds of mini's, terrain and other stuff. Grab a drink and see me slap some paint on some mini's....

Chat Rules

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General Code of Conduct: Respect each other Don't spam chat No Racism, Sexism, etc. You can post links. Main language is English. This is not a PG stream: But that does not mean you can just post everything. Keep it decent and on toppic (mostly mini's, painting, geeky stuff, etc.). Let everybody enjoy the stream.


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If you think my work is worth some of your hard earned money, I am not going to say no. Painting and streaming do cost money and effort, and I thank you for suporting my channel in that way. And remember that donations go 100% to me as a streamer.

Hi, I am the Bald GM

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But who is this bald guy, you ask? Good question. I am Roy, and a miniature painter from the Netherlands. I started as a Tabletop Wargame Player in the late 1980's, but always had more interest in painting than playing. And then I stumbled on a thing called RPG's (D&D and Pathfinder). And I was sold! After 10 years I retired from GMing. And now I am concentrating on my painting skills - as I learned that there are a lot of techniques that I never tried out. And that is where I am now: trying out new ways to paint my mini's, but also want to help other people (new to, or curious about, mini painting) to get interested in this great hobby. And remember: We do not make mistakes! We are just trying out new techniques! My weekly scedule: Friday: "Finally Finished Friday" stream, 8 pm CET (7 pm UK, 2 pm ET) Saturday: "Monster, or bust!" stream, 8.30 pm CET (7.30 pm UK, 2.30 pm ET) Wednesday: "WIP Wednesday",I am still trying things out with this stream, so the times may vary... 6-7 pm CET (5-6 pm UK, 12-1 pm ET) Keep the paints flowing and your brushes sharp!

Baldies Merch

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LOL.. yes. I have some merch. Stickers, mugs, tank tops, t-shirts and a hoodie... And maybe more to come? Any idea's, let me know.