Profile banner for thebearfriend



Heya! I'm just a friendly bear, feel free to hang out and ask questions! Somehow I play games with these paws but just don't think about it. I do FighterZ Raids at the beginning of each month as part of the Tragic Trio, otherwise I play so many different games.


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Working on these! Hopefully have a lot soon! Right now I just have the following: !wilhelm !OhBrother !LastJedi !SifDance

Quality Content

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While I'm trying to get better at streaming more often, my buddy, and fellow bear, Malkarth clips and records videos of both our game sessions and his own shenanigans and escapades. Go check him out if you're looking for some funny vids to watch!

My PC Build

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Thanks to the wonderful MadCapthulhu for helping me shove all those parts into the case. MadCap does gaming and tech stuff and you can find him at


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My awesome emotes were made by He streams less frequently then I do, but he is an awesome arteest, and you should check him out on the off chance he streams again!