Profile banner for thebestkiiwii



~the amalgamation of a bipolar mess in a tiny raccoon and art lovin brain~

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[yuck] ------------------------------------- BE NICE! Don't Spam PLz Refrain from slurs, or any form of homophobia, or transphobia. Any unauthorized linkz will be banned. No furry hate, you lozerz. Pleaze rezpect our modz. Sarcasm is my zpecialty. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ANY KIND OF HATE. Don't repeatedly ask me the same question. Enjoy yourself <3 -------------------------------------
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--------------------------------------- Welcome!! Name's Kiiwii, I'm 22 yearz old. My birthdays September 14th!! I'm a Virgo!! I'm here to make friendz and create a chill environment to unwind and have a laugh. I'm pretty new to gaming so bear with me. Still getting the swing of things. I love love love spooky games, though I'm a pretty big scaredy cat! Sometimes I go non-verbal and get extremely overstimulated. I'm sorry. Some of my interests~ ~Art ~Tattoos ~Fantasy & Superhero (Marvel , DC) ~Animals ~Volleyball ~Nature ~Cosplay ~Unity ~Vrchat ~Party Hosting If you have any questions feel free to ask!! I'm an open book! A schedule? Hmm? What's that? ----------------------------------- I had a brain cell at one point..but now i just try my bezt... ------------------------------------ I uzually have no clue what im doing.
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Everything Animatted + Bong Emote made by : Mangabent