thebiggeee 的个人资料横幅

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Always double park, it's once less trip to the bar!

**The name's Billy, aka Geee** **Location: Brisbane, Australia** **Business Enquiries -** **I've been an Xbox gamer since my childhood days. In 2014 I became a more frequent PC gamer and took on games like League Of Legends and World Of Warcraft. I love my MMORPG <3. I have a dream of one day making gaming a full-time life style, from conventions to playing video games on a globe scale. I work full-time in warehouse operations, with football (soccer) being one of my biggest hobby's other than gaming. I'm Also Venturing into the world of Rocket League Shout casting.**
**The Real MVP! I kid, I kid.... Donations are optional, but they are very much appreciated. All donations are put towards better quality gear, merchandise, give-aways and more GAMES! By just popping in, saying hey or even clicking that follow button it goes a long way to making it all worth while! If you have a game you wish for me to play, feel free to let me know in my live streams. Any game gifting is much appreciated and goes a long way to making my stream just that more varied in the games that I play :) You get to be the first to try the game with me and will also get a gift package from TheBigGeee franchise.** **Top Donation!** **NachoPants 50000+** Payment method is Paypal. Please note that any donations made are non-refundable!
** Please follow, share, and join in on chats and see when I go LIVE! :) Every click of that follow button gets this community that one step closer to both smaller and much larger goals, so every follower is appreciated because with out you all I'm just a guy and his computer so I thank everyone who has jumped on board the GEEE Train! Much love to you all.**
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