Profile banner for theboardgaymer



Table top gaming enthusiast and sports fanatic streaming a variety of board games and board game related content.

Panel Content
**What is this?** This is The Board Gaymer, a channel primarily dedicated to tabletop gaming. **Who are you?** I'm a Canadian, sports loving, gaymer geek that loves board games in particular. I have a collection of about 300 of them. **Why Gaymer?** Because that's, among many other things, it one of the ways that I identify. I'm announcing it for two primary reasons: 1) To make it clear that this is a space that is open to everyone, regardless of sexuality, gender identity, race, or religious beliefs as long as everyone is kind to each other. 2) It spells out up front that sometimes content might veer towards topics that are LGTBQ in nature so that people who might be uncomfortable with that know that this is probably not the place for them. **What's with the hockey theme?** Other than the neat little pun, I'm also a hockey fan and player. The theme spoke to me. **Are you on Twitter?** I am! You can follow me [@theboardgaymer](
Panel Content
**Friday or Saturday @ 8:30 PM EST** I get some of my friends over and we play something out of my collection. Sometimes it'll be a recurring theme night and sometimes it'll be something new! Games on the recurring list are Mansions of Madness and Pandemic Legacy.
Panel Content
**Wednesday - 8:30 PM EST** I love co-operative and solo board games. If people are watching people play video games alone why not board games too? Recurring Arkham Horror: The Card game sessions will start here before possibly moving to it's own night.

Rum & Bones Showdown

**Various Times** From time to time I'll stream sessions of Rum & Bones: Second Tide, one of my favorite games.
Panel Content
**Various Times** One of my very favorite things is opening a brand new board game. In these short streams I'll share those with you!