thedalipopka için profil afişi

581 takipçi


Retro, 8 izleyici ile yayında

A random fella with a random stream! I play new and old as well as OG Xbox (AKA The Big Green) for my YT show, Viridian Flashback: A show chronicling my journey of going through the U.S. Xbox library..with some imports in between!

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The rules are simple: This channel is meant to be a laid back type, so just relax and enjoy, no need for negative comments and spam. If you came to just stir up trouble or spam crap emojis and inappropriate links, then you're out of here. Basically, just respect each other, that's not that hard to do. Also, while I appreciate any and all help, sometimes I like to explore and learn new games for myself so please don't get crazy with the backseat gaming.
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Presenting a full GameCube experience! First is the Only for GameCube Showcase, where I go through and try to beat all of the NA exclusives on GameCube, but with the option to pass if a game's just not flowing right. Then there's the other side of the library with The Non-Exclusives Challenge, where there's no skips, beating the remainder of the console's games!
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My other challenge where I finally go through and try to complete as much as my game backlog as possible! A list of what's played and completed can be found by clicking on the pic above or by going here:
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Once the sub goal of 100 is met, I will do something I said I'd never do through the Persona games! Starting off with the mainline series with spin-offs thrown in along the way after every 100 subs reached. It's going to be something interesting, for sure!
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Click the pic to see a list of all the sound clips you can play in the stream!
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Sometimes, my streams are games for the Original Xbox, recording footage for upcoming videos for my show on YouTube, Viridian Flashback. VF is a review/collector's guide for OG Xbox, where I've been exploring through the North American library and seeing which games are great for a Xbox collection.