Баннер профиля для thedatawizard

1,8 тыс. фолловеров


I'm all about deep dives and chill vibes. Deep dives into RPG and adventure games. Chill vibes for all that hang out on stream. Thank you for being here.

About Me

Содержимое панели
I'm Data. I'm all about deep dives and chill vibes. Deep dives into RPG and adventure games. I love diving deep into the lore and secrets of games. I love talking about gaming history. I usually play games I know very well to facilitate this. Chill vibes for all that hang out on stream. I'm committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment. I'm autistic and I minimize sensory triggers for my benefit and yours. Thank you for being here.


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I'm usually on Tuesday/Thursday/Friday at 8pm ET. I sometimes fall short of this due to autism issues, but I do post updates in my Discord if this occurs. I may do special event streams on the weekends.


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Respect me and respect others. If I ask you to stop, please stop.


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