Profile banner for thedunks88



Variety streamer for Khaos Legion Gaming! Founding Member of the DadBodSquad, if you enjoy inappropriate humor, potato aim and heavy sarcasm you've come to the right place.


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Khaos Legion Gaming is proudly sponsored by Glytch Energy! Use code KLG20 to save 20% at checkout!
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Thank You So much to These Incredible People for Supporting the Channel, You are Truly Legendary & I appreciate you all so much!!! HuskieFPS Ellyn170 xToxicChimpx


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Donations are never expected but always appreciated, all donations are used to improve equipment to enhance the quality of the stream.
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follow me on tik tok to catch all my clips from the stream!
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I'm Dunks, mid 30's gamer that has been gaming since O.G nintendo. I play mostly FPS games but i'm starting to branch out. always looking to play with the community so hit me up on twitter or in stream. thanks for stopping by!
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1. no hate speech/racism etc. 2. don't be a dick 3. No politics 4. Do not self promote 5. Have a good time
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Follow me on Twitter to keep up with info about upcoming streams!