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The Haunted Kastle is a Safe Place for All Wandering Souls in this Vast Void and Most Complex Virtual World - The Internet. Come with us now on a Journey through Time & Space...With your Host and Humble GroundsKeeper Kulmbo, The Kastle Provides Sanctuary for Magical Beings from all Realms!

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Steeped in Magic, Mystery and even a bit of Romance, The Haunted Kastle has had many Overseers throughout The Ages. However, it's on A Grade 3 planet in the constellation of Scytha where our History truly begins. It was home to the Ribosians, a civilization with a Medieval level of development, and home to a Wise and Lonely Outcast Named Benro. Benro (known as the Heretic) was an outcast living in the city of Shur. He realized the lights in the Night Sky over Ribos were not Ice Crystals, but in fact Distant Suns, not unlike the Sun his own Homeworld circled. He took Measurements, developed a Rudimentary Astronomy in the process and PROVED that the two seasons of Icetime & Suntime were due to the change in distance of Ribos from its Sun! His discoveries, however, ran Contrary to Ribosian Religious doctrine, which claimed that the change of seasons was due to an Eternal battle between the Sun gods and Ice gods (which Benro did not believe in). Benro was branded a Heretic and Tortured until he could no longer work with his hands, making him Publicly Recant his beliefs. Benro moved to Shur's concourse where he was jeered at and derided for years, eventually leading him to doubt himself. That is until a powerful Redhand of the Time Weaving Dragon named Shey-Ju, searching for her own Path to Redemption, stumbled upon Ribos. She brought Benro with her back to her Castle, Nursed him back to health, Physically and Spiritually. They returned to the Four Kingdoms and spent their Days Striving to make right what once went wrong. Hoping with each new day to make the World a better Place for all Magical Beings. After Shey-Ju vanished, Benro began to fill the Kastle Halls with new Friends from ALL Realms! Now our Current Kastle Groundskeeper continues the Tradition of providing a Safe Place for all Wandering Souls!
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-Kitchen Table from Golden Girls Set -750ml of Jameson Whiskey -Desk Chair from a 70's Secretary Club -Bella the Beagle -360 Controller I've converted into a Waterpipe... oooo & PC things...
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Hey now, Magical Beings!! Your Friendly Neighborhood GroundsKeeper Kulmbo here! Telling Bad Jokes and Playing Games on an NES since I was 8! A SEGA man at heart, had to convince my mother to let me have the O.G Mortal Kombat! -Former Song & Dance Man Turned Online Nuisance. I play most anything I can get my hands on; I do a lot of co-op/community games! Tell me if you want to join the game or play something with me! I love new people and friends! -Don't be afraid to ask anything in chat! -Just as All Ships Rise With The Tide, all Residents Shall Rise with the Kastle! -Release your Llama, Keep on Haunting, and Always Punch Nazis!!
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Have Amazon Prime?! YOU DO! Well you can Support The Haunted Kastle for FREE with your Twitch Prime Benefit! Just Click SUBSCRIBE and Choose the Twitch Prime Option. -Benefits of subscribing to The Haunted Kastle! -Supporting the Community! - Custom Command -Access to my awesome Emotes here + discord, -Separate rank for subs only in my discord, - Ad-free streams (with limited exceptions), -Subscriber badges, -Not affected by chat slow mode, - Access to Subs only sounds in Stream Store& Custom Sound Command!
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Art Credits (Twitch Handles) Haunted Kastle PFP - GunstarKarrot WOOO Emote - Caponus Purple Kastle Overlay - Caponus Potion Level Emote - Skittle_Bird Kulmbo Emote- Skittle_Bird Kastle Logo Emote - Zathurnalina Blockbuster Hat Emote - Zathurnalina Raid Ghost Emote - Zathurnalina YAY! Emote - Zathurnalina Haunted Kastle Guardians (MODs) -CaliCourt -DumpsterMummy -Krristen23 -LuciferMorningStar0924 -Big_Daddy7000 -Seabert_the_seal -ShreckInsect -Skittle_Bird -TacoSmurfz -Waowza -GoldenHawk09 -3xpou -Funpop38
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-Sound Commands- !nooo !afraid !books !cool !doobie !fairygodmother !potion !ursula !gameover !mortalkombat !believe !roll !vampwolves !wtf !gl !crazy !bye! !yay !backup !magic? !offnon !ifarted !omg !buzzer !party !rude !great !no !goodbye !well !dump !wooo !play? Noreason -Chat Commands- !vanish - Alt to !lurk !unvanish - Alt to !unlurk !kastle - Discord !Quote !Banana !brownnote !busted !cantina !cap !clip !dance !dice !donate !Epic !Fairy !hawk !highfive !hug !loser !magic !slap !swag !tos - MODs !twitter !watchme !yeet Pitch Capo Minecraft Try Them Out and Find your Favorite! MOD & VIP get a Custom Command - Send me your Request & I will make it happen! -Huzzah!

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