Profile banner for theinvertedshadow



I'm just a strange person on the Internet that animates equally stranger things. I stream a variety of material, be it work on my animations or any sort of game with friends, so I hope you'll all be entertained.

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Just a brief rundown on me, I suppose. I'm just some strange dude on the Internet that makes stranger things. Been living with Asperger's syndrome, a high functioning form of autism, since age 7, but it hasn't really stopped me from trying to entertain people. So eh, thank you for stopping by here.
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This is entirely tentative, and will likely be subject to many changes. Streams begin around 7-8 PM Eastern. Monday + Friday- Dead by Daylight Tuesdays- Animation work in Gmod Wednesdays + Thursday- Fluctuating off day and random games Saturday- Early stream of any random game Sunday- Offline
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If you're feeling generous, you can leave a tip here. Donations are always appreciated, but never expected or required.
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Missed the live show? Don't worry. VODs and other highlights will always be uploaded here.
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This is apparently another thing where people can support me. I mean, if you really want to. Again, it is appreciated, but never asked for.
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We have a server where you can come chat with us and chill. Feel free to join if you want.