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Hey there! My name is Thomas or TheJumpingKlimplant. I like to stream Pokémon. My stream is all about the good vibes, feel free to talk about your problems and what's bothering you! or come in and have a nice chat about the good things in life!

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Hi there, it's me TheJumpingKlimplant or Thomas or Klim whatever works for you time for a quick introduction to me: He/Him Age: 22 Hobbies: I love (Heavy) metal, Star Wars and of course games (Pokemon in particular) If you have any questions please feel free to ask!
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If you sub and that's a big IF you get the following perk thingies: -No ads -I (try to) sent you a postcard every 6 months of subscribing -My emotes of course -My eternal love
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Join us on discord! We vibe in voice calls do game and movie nights and whatnot! i'm constantly building the discord so might be a lot more in the future! ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
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DO NOT BE AN ASSHOLE Just use some common sense okay? much love
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Obligatory donate button because some people wanted to have it here, please only donate if you do not need the money. Also please be aware there are no refunds so be careful! ㅤ Donations do not have TTS (yet) but Bits do!
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Please consider following me on one of my cool socials where I spam even more cool stuff!