6,967 位追隨者


Minecraft Content Creator and Warframe No Lifer

To be made
The rules are pretty straight forward: That said if you can just follow these few rules we can be a Family Friendly, fun, and safe place all at once. * Don't be a jerk (We're all here to have fun) * No Spam Please * Be respectful to everyone * Please keep chat in strictly English so myself and everyone else can follow along. * No links without permission * No advertising (Without Asking) * And don't forget, have fun!
My name is Matthew, most people call me Matt. I suppose the name gave it away, eh Whatever =P I love to talk to chat, It is one of the most important things about streaming for me. I always tweet before I stream and I normally use this to get the word out for all things awesome. Writing about myself is the hardest thing to do.
Hey! You with the Face! Keep on Keeping on! Thanks for the Love! If you can and want to tip, I thank you very much. I do not want anyone to feel pressured to do anything they can not or do not want to do. [Click](https://streamelements.com/themattabase/tip)
If you feel I am worth it then hit that button and join the Awesome! *Butt Touches Sold Separately *Ok so silliness aside, I never want anyone to feel pressured to subscribe. So sub if you want to and only if you want to. <3
**Ask a bunch and maybe you will get a silly Gif (Some gifs have broken since I made this panel)** **Q:** Do You Make Mods? **A:** [Nope, I just often bug people who do.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/IM1kFKmkCUywo/200.gif) **Q:** Is this the Real Forgecraft? **A:** [Yep](https://media3.giphy.com/media/tiycf42IJaCRi/200.gif) **Q:** Do you play other games? **A:** [Yep, feel free to ask what games in chat.](https://media3.giphy.com/media/HoffxyN8ghVuw/200.gif) **Q:** HatCam? **A:** [I almost always wear a Bennie when on Camera. Hat + Camera = HatCam](https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o7qEbo6tICqk5JG1O/200.gif) **Q:** What are your thoughts on solar bodies and the greater scientific communities stance on Pluto's status in our planetary lineup? **A:** [Pluto will always be a planet in my heart <3](https://media1.giphy.com/media/l46CzjUnYFfeMXiNO/200.gif) **Did you click? You should click Stuffs**
I sometimes tweet before I stream and I normally use this to get the word out for all things awesome. I also use these to talk about other awesome people and things! Keep up to date here! [@TheMattaBase on Twitter](https://twitter.com/themattabase) [TheMattaBase on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMattaBase/videos) [TheMattaBase Player.me](https://player.me/themattabase) [Doot Doot](http://i.imgur.com/0Rl5UtF.jpg)
You can contact me anytime at TheMattaBase@gmail.com
**Computer** : AMD Ryzen 3800X NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 32GB DDR4 2666 Ram **Gaming Peripherals** : Corsair Something **Audio** : Corsair Void RGB