
I’m 6’4 and my legs are disproportionate to my torso

Who I am

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My name is Christian Weise, I'm a Christian, I'm currently enrolled at TAMU-C as a Psychology Major, I enjoy playing games to relax and enjoy time with friends. I'm also a Shift Supervisor at Starbucks :)

What are you doing here?

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Feel free to ask questions or simply talk! I enjoy talking to people, and can most likely answer whatever questions you may have!

Chat Rules

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1. Be respectful of other people's opinions. Just because someone else has a different opinion than yours doesn't mean that its wrong, its just different. 2. No links of anything unless you get permission. 3. No plugging your stream or anybody else's. 4. I don't curse and would prefer that you didn't either, but as long as you aren't cursing like a sailor, we should be fine. 5. Have fun, and enjoy your time here!

Follow me!

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Twitter: Weise_Guy Imma get to making some more social media stuff