theonechristo 프로필 배너

팔로워 870명


Welcome to Christo's Cafe! Where we talk games, cards and tech. Warm beverages not included. Check out our opening hours (!hours) and weekly specials (!specials), as well as other options !commands

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I started thinking about streaming when my girlfriend started laughing at how much I talk to myself when I play Hearthstone (...yes despite this she's still my girlfriend). If I'm going to talk to myself, I might as well talk to others, play some music and get tilted all while on camera. I am a multi-time legend Hearthstone player and have recently gotten into Gwent, hitting Pro-Rank twice. You may occasionally see me try something new or different - I'll usually put it in my schedule so you know what to expect. I have been playing CCGs for 20+ years (I swear I'm not even that old) after first falling in love with the Star Wars CCG. From there I touched on every card game imaginable Young Jedi, Jedi Knights, Lord of the Rings, Raw Deal, Battletech, I dabbled BRIEFLY in Magic and owned some Pokemon cards but I don't think I ever "played" Pokemon (or don't care to admit it)
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Come hang out and have a lovely tea party with us. Subscribers get access to: -Sounds - !box, !goodtea, !pewpew, !teaparty, !thumbs, !toys, !mrgl, !maths, !pushit, !toasty, !yoink, !joke, !theway -Custom emotes -Ad free watching -Sweet subscriber tea cup and pot badges
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