thepeachcobbler için profil afişi

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Hi! My name is Peach! I live in NYC and play videos games and model. Fortnite is my main game but I love to play other games off stream in Discord! My goal is to stream for 6 hours a day but I have a genetic disorder that limits me from doing that most days. Type !MTHFR in chat for more info!

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Panel İçeriği
Location: New York, NY Platforms: PC; Switch Current Games: Fortnite, Genshin Impact, Phasmaphobia, Animal Crossing New Horizons Hi, I suffer from chronic migraines. I try to go live at around 12PM ET everyday. Sometimes it will be sooner or later. Please be sure to check Discord or Twitter for updates! Come join the Peach Tree and lets have a great time gaming together!
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- THIS IS A FAMILY FRIENDLY STREAM - We are all humans with feelings so let's treat everyone with love and respect. - Remember, no one is more important than anyone else here so let's try to keep the spamming to a minimum. - While this streams represents the Peach Tree, we want to respect EVERY stream in the Twitch community so when we are raiding another streamer or we experience a raid ourselves, let's be kind to everyone no matter how our paths cross. - Someone making you upset? It may be because someone upset them? Let's end anger with love. Kill em' with kindness. - This chat is English only to include everyone. Please be respectful of that and thank you for understanding. - Please respect the values of the stream. If you do not you will likely be timed out by a Moderator. Unfortunately, you will be banned if you are timed out more than twice. Thank you for spreading positivity!
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TIPS ARE IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM REQUIRED but they are appreciated! Donations are a direct way you can support the channel and pay for things like giveaways, stream upgrades, and me! Venmo is my preferred donation system as there are no fees for either person if you link your bank account. However, if you are more comfortable using PayPal you're free to do so! *All donations are non-refundable, don't be that guy* [Click Here To Donate](
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Subscribers Perks: - Dedicated Weekend Sub Games - Ad-free viewing - Peach Tree emotes -Support my passion for gaming, my rescue Doxiepoo puppy from Korea, and a roof over our heads - Discount off of Peach Tree merch Tier 2 Subs: Vero and Baby Yoda Emote Tier 3 Subs: Access to Peach's Snapchat and guaranteed 3 games with Peach. Can bring 1 friend to sub games. Don't forget to link your Amazon Prime account with Twitch Prime to get one FREE subscription a month to support. Use this [Prime Gaming]( link to learn how to link your two accounts!
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Discord is where you can find me when I'm not streaming. We have a great community on twitch and an even better one offline <3
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Click the panel or this [link]( to view my streaming wish list to provide you the best content possible!