Баннер профиля для thepilottyler

1,5 тыс. фолловеров


Aviation is whats up

Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели
Donations are greatly appreciated but not begged upon. I enjoy streaming and donations just make getting addons and items to increase the quality of the stream easier. However, if you do donate you will get tons of recognition. To donate, click the word "Donate" above this paragraph! **THE BIG D: Natoseigh**-$240.00 **BrageYttereng**- $11.00 **Insolatedpanda**- $5.00 **Jackk567**-$18.00 **Ferbis1021**- $20.00 **Minecraft_TM1**- $1.00 **PitoPilot**- $20.00 **Darkkyl**- $10.00 **Eshinn**- Aerosoft PFPX **facelessman23**- $5.01 **cloudyjojo**- $7.00 **cxa362**- $5.00 **IndyFlyer**- $50.00 **TheKiller327**- $7.00 **fuzzysb**- $5.00 **Powerhouse**-$2.00 **AntipodeanAviator**-$25.00 **Clutch1080p**-$15.00 **Underdogdjr**-$10.00 **Ryanpattison**-$17.00 **Jasper2976**-$4.00 **jhnylmz**-$25.00
Содержимое панели
**Gaming Computer** -i7 4790K 4.4GHz -16GB Crucial Ballistics -MSI GTX760 OC Edition **Streaming Computer** -i5 3570K OC 4.0 GHz -8GB Crucial Ballistics -No GPU