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I'm complicated.

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This channel is a safe space for all psychonauts, and no judgement, derision, aggression, or any of the -isms will be tolerated. the Psychonaut and mods will work diligently to create a safe space for all people and ideas. The psychonaut undergoes legal Ketamine and psychedelic therapies with the support of a licensed psychiatrist, and a prescription filled by a local pharmacy that is tested for purity and safety. the Psychonaut does NOT condone or encourage psychedelic or any drug use without proper diagnosis and a treatment plan designed by a liscensed psychiatrist. Ketamine, Cannabis, and other psychedelics carry risks, side effects, and dangers up to and including death, so always exercise caution, do research, and consult a physician before ingesting substances of any kind. This Livestream is strictly for educational, documentary, and safety purposes, conducted in a safe, controlled set and setting, and should NEVER be replicated on your own without medical guidance. Always observe local, state, and federal laws in the jurisdiction where you reside, and always test any substances for purity before ingestion, unless dispensed by a liscensed pharmacy.
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Click the banner above for the donation page. All donations go to The Veteran's Ketamine Task Force, to expand access to ketamine treatments for TRD, PTSD, and Pain. All donations are non-refundable, so make sure it's money you really don't need right now. any fraudulent donations will be referred to the proper authorities.
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Join our discord, and help create a safe space for all Psychonauts. This server is a work in progress.
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Hello! My name is Michael, and I'm a Psychonaut. After a laundry list of traumas in my life, from my adoption, to my time in a cult-run Troubled Teen Institution, to 2 deployments to Afghanistan later in life, and the injuries I sustained there, I found myself a non-functioning person, controlled by my injuries and illnesses. In 2021 after a near fatal bout of Covid and a Heart attack a few months later, I made the decision to live, and heal. Next I finally found the right doctor, and began Ketamine treatments for comorbid Depression, PTSD, TBI, and suicidal ideations, with great effect. A little over a year and 125-ish Ketamine Treatments on, I want to share my journey of healing, and into the mind with you all, my fellow psychonauts.
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If you enjoy the look of the Stream, Check out my designer on Fiverr here. make sure you tell'em The Psychedelic Psychonaut sent ya!