thepurpledusk için profil afişi

160 takipçi


Please call me Dusk. I'm a friendly British lady with a very punny partner. Affiliate. Gamer. Crafter. Dabbler. #pwME

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Hi I'm Dusk! I'm have been gaming for almost as long as I can remember. I've had a PC since the age of 10 or 11 and before that I had various 'retro' (weren't retro then of course) consoles and a Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2. I also used play on friends machines including Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC 464 and the good old Acorns and BBCs! These days I almost exclusively play on a PC with the odd bit of phone games and console platformers. <3
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Moon is my Partner, my Best Friend and my Streaming Side Kick! Most, if not all, streams will include Moon. He can also be found on [his channel](, or on [twitter @Moons_Mischief](
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1. Be excellent to one another. (Don't get all ragey and salty , life is too short.) 2. Treat others with respect and compassion. 3. Racism, homophobia and hate-speech are not welcome here! 4. Any negative feedback please send via a whisper or DM, don't bring the chat or the stream down.
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Join The Purple Dusk's [Discord]( for chat, creative projects, announcements and more!
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Tech & Tools I use will appear here....
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No schedule at the moment! Up until very recently I was working full time but unfortunately health issues have meant I've had to scale things back. On the positive side, that does mean more time for streaming! At the moment I'm testing my new normal, so I'll aim to stream at least twice a week and more than that if I'm able to manage it. To be alerted to when I go live: - Follow me here (make sure notifications are enabled if you want to be notified) - Follow me on [Twitter](! - Join my [Discord]( for streaming alearts
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To keep up to date with my latest goings-on, and stream updates, follow me on [Twitter](!
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I am not sponsored or affiliated with Take This. Take This is a mental health resource by gamers for gamers. Check out their [twitter]( And their [website](
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I am not sponsored or affiliated with the ME Association. You can find more quality information on ME/CFS here. Check out their [twitter]( And their [website](
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I am not sponsored or affiliated with Action for ME. Action for ME provide information and advocacy for suffers of ME/CFS and their friends, family, carers and supporters. Check out their [twitter]( And their [website](