Profile banner for thereallordnoot


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Hi. Im Simon, Smith or LordNoot ( depending on the day). 22 year old form Bergen Norway. Im quite i sarcastic sometimes (most of the times). And im not afraid to speak my mind on stuff I fix cars for a living or when i want to Any car related questions? ask! i might know the answer :) Why: TheRealLordNoot? LordNoot was taken >:( (prob by me idk)
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(Rules might be changed at random times) 1. Respect each other chat 2. No racism, sexism etc, in chat 3. Do not spam links 4. Don't ask for mod (duh) 5. English or Norwegian in chat 6. Keep chat within twtich's TOS.
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Subscribe to my youtube channel for shitposts and other stuff (not that active)
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Follow me on twitter (somewhat active lol)
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Donate to support me and the stream. You can not refund donations, and they do help!

My newest song

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