Profile banner for thesaltfactory_



Hauntingly bad at video games.

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There are few games I'm good at. I stream whatever games I feel like streaming at the moment. Most of what I say shouldn't be taken seriously. If I say something that seems unapologetically stupid/ignorant, it is more than likely a joke, or it's potentially because I am exactly that ignorant. I make things up when I don't know the answer and pass it off as fact. It's a problem. Thinking is hard.
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-Don't be annoying. -English only please, thanks. -Follow whatever rules Twitch has. You know what not to do. -Mods' words are final, blahblahblah, you know the drill. -No arguing about political/religious stuff just because people always get so upset about it for some reason.
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This is where you can donate to me directly if that's something you feel like doing. Please don't give anything you'll miss. If I make 1 million dollars in donated revenue, I will proceed with tracking down Todd Howard, wherever he is. 2 million for Phil Spencer.
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I make videos once a month or so about things that entertain me probably.
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Chill out and chat in the discord in the mean time.
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I don't use this very well.


Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Starting from the 2PM-4PM EST range and ending around the 6:30-8:30PM EST range.


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If you want shirts with cool art, then guess what? Yep, they sell them on etsy probably. But if you want them from me instead, click on this big image of a shirt.
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Pledge to me for cool guy perks. Don't pledge to me for non cool guy perks.