Banner del profilo di theslayerbaron

1.810 follower


Streaming di FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE con 6 spettatori

Heya :3 I'm TheSlayerBaron! He/Him 💖 I'm a Dyslexic, ADD, Neurodivergent Twitch Affiliate Streamer that has Anxiety and Depression, Invisible disabilities. I'm a lover and collector of games, cosplayer and ☕ is life, come chill :3 💙

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Heya I'm TheSlayerBaron (Baron), nice to meet you! :D I live in Auckland, New Zealand I was originally born In England! I like to play all sorts of games, as I love a vast range. I have a large collection of games as I'm a Game Collector! :D I've always wanted to be a streamer since I heard about it, the idea of sharing my experiences with you I've always loved bringing people together to have fun and have a relaxing time. I do it in real life regularly and sometimes even run semi large events! :) It makes me happy sharing my happiness with the world ❤ Ever since I heard about streaming I've wanted to be a streamer. Sadly lots held me back, such as lack of confidence, being shy etc. But now I've finally started with the amazing support from friends and family and I've never been happier! ❤ I'm also a Cosplayer, Coffee Lover and all-around Nerd, I also have dyslexia so sometimes I struggle reading but I try my best! Come hang out for a chill time, It'll be nice to get to know you! :D Since I live in New Zealand I stream in NZST [Click here to see when that is for you!]( Click on any of the pictures to be linked to the images to go to the corresponding links! welcome :D ❤
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This is my Discord!
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This is my Facebook page! hope you like it :)
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This is my cosplay Facebook page! if you're interested go check it out!
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If you would like to donate to me and help me continue doing what I love as a job, here is the donate link :) Thank you so much for helping to make my dream a reality❤
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This is my Twitter! Tweet Tweet! follow me if you like :)
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The amazing art, badges and emotes were made by Myself and RinzelYue go send them some love :)
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This is my Instagram! I like to post photos and videos here!


I want everyone to feel safe here and have a good time. Please follow the rules, it will mean a lot to me ❤ I will give you up to 2 warnings, depending on what was said I might decide to ban you outright so please take the rules seriously! * Absolutely no use of discriminatory language or hate speech. (Racism, sexism, etc) +Don't harass/bully, be respectful * Please avoid swearing. It makes it a much nicer atmosphere for everyone even if it's a joke, It's best to avoid it altogether as the bot might time you out * Please don't argue with the mods, I gave them that role because I trust their judgement * No self-promotion on the stream unless I say otherwise please, I understand it can be easy to accidentally do it (I have myself in the past) I have a place you can do it in my Discord :) * Don't spam, the bots will time you out * Please write in English because the bots won't understand and possibly time you out, also I won't be able to understand you * Remember to have fun fun fun fun fun! and a chill time ❤
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Meet my little kitty Tundra! ❤

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You can interact with Tundra on stream with some commands :D !dance to a little dance !food to feed Tundra sleep for sleeping Tundra hydrate to get Tundra to remind me to drink water XD Tundra will also react to you follows, hosts. cheers, subs and resubs :) If you would like your own pet, please use my link [here]( ❤

Friendliness Pellets! (!Points)

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When you are in my stream you earn '**Friendliness Pellets**' for all sorts, counting just watching ❤ to check how many you have write !points in chat :) You can redeem those points for things too! I will be adding more exciting things in the future ❤ Here is a list of ways you can earn them * You will automatically earn 1 Friendliness Pellets for every minute * 100 for a follow * 50 for a host * 50 for a raid * 1000 for a sub and resub Go to this website to see your rank and see the rewards by clicking [here](
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Proud to be a member of the NZ Streams (NZS) Stream Team and Community. Come check us out and become a member of the Biggest New Zealand streaming Family! [Discord]( | [Twitter]( | [Facebook]( | [Twitch](
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Heya! :D I'm a Humble Bundle Partner :D This partnership is a dream as I use their site all the time and have shared their great deals with friends in the past! If you use this link you can support me and get the amazing Humble Monthly Bundle! I've been subbed since day 1 and it's been amazing! I have most of my amazing games from it, counting Overwatch! If you are looking to buy a game on Humble Bundle, please let me know, I will see if I can give you my link for it <3 Love you all, thank you again :)
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