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Tiger, No-Longer Trucker, Fulltime Writer #TwitchWritersNetwork Quieting the voices in my head by letting them speak on the page. Creator of the Series: Tristan, Inheriting the Line, Death by Predation, Demons, and more on the way.

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My name is Sylvain. I've been writing and making up stories for longer than I can remember, and driving a truck for the last fifteen years. I write books in multiple genres, but with a usual focus of guys in relationships with other guys. The majority of my books are Furry in nature, with most dealing with gay relationships, and some being racy. Click on the covers to see each series. If you like what you see, consider purchasing a title, supporting me on Patreon, or checking out my Discord community. If you are interested in watching me play games, that's on the Playing Tigher Channel:
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The Stream will Start back on September 13th at 8am, Eastern time

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If you want to talk to me, you can usually find me in my DIscord Server: If I'm gaming, I should be in the general voice Chat
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You can visit my website: you can get details about my books and where to order them. You can support me via my Patreon and help me reach the point where I can write, and stream, every day, please go to: Or you can buy me a Kofi: