Profile banner for thorneisms



THORNEWELL || he/him, en/vy neos (CHECK PANEL for more info) || i never stop talking. follow for a good time winkyface

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hi. its me. thornewell isms :]] i am: - a trans man (pronouns on screen and in panels) - the oldest guy ever (18) - turkish :]] my stream times are more eu/asia friendly, my timezone is GMT+3 - a bit scatterbrained - i'll start thoughts and not finish them. 's just how it is baby!!!
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- he/him - en/vy/ens/vyirs/venself (conjugated according to they/them/their/theirs/themself) dont think about it too hard :thumbsup:
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- no spam please :thumbsup: - no links other than clips - keep chat on topic + fun! escapism is real and its stored in the twitch dot tv slash thorneisms - no minority-oriented hate speech (racism, lgbtq-phobia, ableism, etc.) - just. be a decent person lmao its all good
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