Profile banner for thriftyanvil



"education is important, but videogames is importanter"

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Hey! I'm Thrifty! I'm a variety streamer/video game collector from New Zealand! I have 2 dogs who sometimes get excited and want to say hello, so you may hear them from time to time (they are Brussels Griffons, Boy - Boston, Girl - Charli) Jump in the chat, or pop a lurk but most importantly have fun!
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If you'd like to support me, the best way to do so is to hang out, watch, chat and have fun! If you enjoy the content I appreciate every follower! You can contact me either via twitter, discord or at
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My IRL job may causes changes to my schedule but join the discord for real time updates Monday - 1830 - 2130ish Tuesday - Off Wednesday - Off (possible bonus stream) Thursday - 1830 - 2130ish Friday - 1830 - Late Saturday - Off Sunday - 1830 - 2130ish Time Zone: NZST