Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho thumbtakk

513 người theo dõi


Part time streamer, wannabe illustrator.I play a lot of stressful things, i couldn't tell you why. Happy to meet anyone that happens to hang around!


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if you ever feel generous enough, there's books i'm saving up for. a lot of the stuff on here is used for visual reference/ art study.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
part time streamer i'm super low energy,i often lurk and mod more than i stream but you can find me here, weekdays, after 2pm usually. i play indie games, lots of Fighting/ ps2 era games, some rogue-likes, arcadey shooters etc. Sometimes artist? Logo by @Kawbeem on twitter!


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Other creative friends and their work! @GabgrillahK - SKRUNGLE (webcomic) @xgothbae - panels, emotes, portraits!
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Any money tipped here goes directly to pet bills and probably doordash if i dont feel like cooking.
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another way to support is to rep our (currently unfinished)upcoming webcomic with a bucket hat or shirt!

Big Creatxr community!

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Become part of our community! meet great people, enter tournaments for fps games/fighters, branch out!