Μπάνερ προφίλ για το κανάλι thunderheadstudio

2,5 χιλ. ακόλουθοι


Forged in the fires of Mount Dork, filled with the angst of a grown man who can't let Star Wars go. Join me weekly for alternating streams of me cursing at video games and painting miniatures!

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A grown man with a lifelong passion for robots, robot accessories, and robot affiliated activities. I've been playing tabletop games since I was a wee sprat, painting and building models off and on for years before getting a bit more serious about the hobby in the last two years. I'm a casual but ironically pretentious cinephile, so ask me about movies or television if you want to hear my confusingly firm opinions on things I may only have a passing familiarity with. Other interests include: Rocket engines mounted in elbows, flying fists, pectoral plates containing unreasonable numbers of rockets/missiles, and pistons applied to the purpose of beating ass.
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# General !discord - Thunderhead Studio discord link !model - Info on what I'm painting today !stl - What is the 3d printer working on today? !steelwarrior - Get a link to Steel Warrior Studios where you can find all Thunderhead Studio products! !merch - Get a link to Thunderhead Studio merch including mugs and shirts! !rainyriver - Get a link to Rainy River Designs, creators of our amazing Merch and LOTS of fantastic miniature painting products including paints and flocking. !metalcore - Get a link to Metal Core Collectibles, a specialty 6mm mech and vehicle creator with some of the finest products on the market. # Subscriber Audio Emotes: !50Shades - Adding 2,4 or 5 will allow you to hear the entire epic saga as narrated by our very own Chaotic Harmony !someandmore - Welcome our newest stormchasers by stroking my ego. !basecoat - Seriously, man. Lame. !glorb - I can be pretty sloppy. !razorbabes - I'm pretty edgy. Try not to get cut. !yoiheard - Thing in ur thing and the other thing hurr !tightpants - Oh myyyyyy !catgirls - One way trip to the casino planet !50shades - Coal Black is the kinkiest color !respectthekat - Modding is a pathway to powers many consider to be unnatural !respectthefox - You don't wanna be put in the box. !99bottles - Where the hell do they all come from? !metallics - They LOVE metallics
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