41 ακόλουθοι


I literally got nothing to put here, Just no Hand holding I guess

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Welcome one and all to this little corner of Twitch, there are many corners like it but this one? is mine!
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I'm Tik! Aspiring Youtuber/Twitcher, I consider myself a variety streamer and one that tends to be very spur of the moment with just about everything. As such unfortunately if you are looking for a streamer who plays on a strict schedual or focuses on one game then you arn't going to find it here...sorry! Also I'm not that good at games...I think... Beyond that I do things like 3D animation and voice over and am trying to jump into other creative hobbies.
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Of course a twitch channel has rules beyond Twitch's TOS. 1. No hand-holding/hints/spoilers unless I ask Games are fun when you can figure it out and hand-holding can ruin the challenge. Put simply unless I directly ask for help, I don't want it. 2. Don't excessively rant about something Don't like how a character is developed? your entitled to say that but if its clear people don't want to hear it or the topic is over and your STILL trying to redirect it to your rant then please stop. 3. Treat others with the respect you would want to have yourself In other words don't be a dick 4. Pestering me/Senpai notice me! Look I get Twitch puts alot of the social aspect but when I need to focus on something to proceed I will focus on that. Constantly spamming to get my attention will certainly get you attention...and a time out or ban 5. Excessive swearing and the like Look I know I'm not the posterboy for good netiquette and swear like a sailor but lets try to keep it PG13 in the chat people!
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So I stream on YT more then anything, So go check that stuff out, also because majority of my content is there so bleh If I co-stream with somebody who uses Twitch odds are this'll see use