Profiilibanneri – tipsybakedpotato

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Welcome!! Tipsy = drunk / baked = chilled / potato = aimer :-D Welcome to my channel :-D PS5/PC & Retro gamer. Highly encourage streamer support! ❤️❤️🍀 Leprechaun Love Shack 🍀

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I'm part of a stream team run by the legendary JBGAMESJB. Click the link above to view its members, each person is an absolutely fantastic person <3 LLS, The Leprechaun Love Shack, is an awesome family. A team vibe 24/7. Come check the family out <3
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After people asked me to create some merch, I've finally been able to deliver!! I've bought most items myself, and the quality has been great. I'm happy with it all <3
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This area is for the streams Monthly Competition Winners. Each Month, the winner can choose one of the available prizes from my own Merch Store!! Previous Winners: - Dec-2023 / Hoody / MissyFromTwitch - Jan-2024 / Mug / ChewBeckaa - Feb-2024 / Mug / MissyFromTwitch - Mar-2024 / T-Shirt / JBGAMESJB - **Rolled over to May due to absence** - May-2024 / 2 x Mugs / King_Cozie
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I'll be honest, I tried to fit myself into a committed streaming schedule, but IRL stuff & work usually get in the way!! So all I can say is, if I manage to get on at all, it'll be during the following timeframes: - Mon to Thurs / 4pm-9pm. - Friday / 4pm-Until Late. - Weekends / 9am-9pm. I'm from the UK, so time zone is GMT.
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My discord is work in progress but growing nicely!! Come get involved in our community by clicking the image! We're a great little group, a mixture of friends, family, gamers & streamers alike, the occasional fan, follower or subscriber.... but the point is, we're all friends, just looking for places to escape from the hustle and bustle of life! Well, this is one of those places!! Welcome in <3
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My name is George. I'm 30-something from the UK! I game/stream when time allows after work of an evening & at the weekends! My overall goal is to create a community of like-minded friends/gamers. Just a social place for us all to be ourselves & let off some steam & have fun! So please consider clicking that FOLLOW button and getting involved! Please also consider joining my Discord server to really get involved with the crew! <3
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I don't consider myself a content creator in the slightest, however, i do like to post videos on to youtube when i occasionally have a decent game or experience something funny and clip worthy. You can take a look at those clips by clicking the image above, which will take you straight to my channel! Don't forget to drop a follow if you do swing by!! Thank you <3
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I'll be honest, i normally keep my gaming life separate from my personal, however, i can't expect people to get involved, without them knowing a little about me and what i get up to when i'm not at work or gaming! Therefore, if you're interested.... you can see some of the antics me and my son, Tommie, get up too, when we're following our other passion of fishing UK fresh waters. We've had some absolute bangers..... So, here i am. Nothing to hide. GGs
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No rules here as such apart from Twitch's TOS, the only thing we ask here, is please don't be a douchebag! This community is very much based around supporting each other and getting involved in games/streams while spreading positive vibes and love. We ask you to kindly respect that ethos, get comfortable & get involved :-D
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As i mentioned under the YT tab, I'm not much of a content creator.... but i occasionally post to TikTok some of my shorter clips. There's some awesome gameplay on there. Some fun times with friends.... Come and get involved, play some games with me, and get featured in future clips? Its all about capturing the fun times <3
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Fundamentally I'm a PS5 gamer who likes to also play the occasional retro game, but i have recently invested in a PC and decent streaming set up with the following Specs: Processor: Intel Core i5 13600KF RAM: 32Gb HDD: Samsung 1Tb & Seagate 2Tb Barracuda GPU: RTX 4070Ti I have 2 decent 165Hz ASUS monitors & a steel series mouse & keyboard to make it all work :-P I use the Elgato HD60S+ Capture Card to capture my console/retro gameplay into OBS. Mic & Headset is Hyper X series. Camera is SoomFon. Recently bought a Nintendo Switch - So i can play some of the new-gen mario stuff.... I'm a retro geek, so looking forward to sharing this content with you all <3
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Definitely not required, at all, but all donations gratefully received by clicking the above image.
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If you wish to contact me directly in the event of a complaint, emergency or for any other reason, please send a whisper or contact me via my Discord channel. You can message me directly/privately via either method. Thank you.
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I love gaming & play a huge variety of them here. I always strive to complete games 100%, including all side challenges/trophies. Here's a few titles i'm playing at the moment to give you an idea of variety: Apex Legends, Apex Legends mobile, Overwatch2, Most CODs, Multiversus, Brawlhalla, Golf PGA, Sonic racing, Need for Speeds, Crew 1 + 2, crash racing, Crash bandicoot 1 2 3 4, RETRO, Anything zombie... i'm loving killing floor 2 right now, love most COD zombies, DayZ, World War Z, Back4Blood, Any of the resident evils..... Also have access to the PS-VR and around 100 titles on that..... Retro Geek. Nintendo Switch Player <3 As i said, variety..... I just loving gaming <3