
playing games, talking over the good parts.

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Hello there! My name is Tom and on this channel I will play video games for the entertainment of myself and others. I'm a huge fan of Spyro so we end up back there a lot, but I play all kinds of games I try to make a stream that I would want to watch which means: - minimal overlays, so not to be distracting. - usually talking, even to myself about nonsense, feel free to interject! - not calling out lurkers, though if you follow or trigger an alert I will acknowledge it but don't feel pressured to respond if you don't feel like it, I appreciate you regardless. - If I'm not entertained, odds are you aren't either.
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Don't be a jerk. Don't tell me how to beat something unless I ask. Be excellent to each other. The Rangers suck.
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Streamlabs is pretty great. Plus if you download StreamlabsOBS through this link it supports the stream and you barely have to do anything! Click the image! Do the thing!
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Follow me on twitter for random nonsense and posts about when I go live. Click the panel to go to my Page!
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My YouTube channel is loosely related to what you see here. I got some vlogs and other nonsense that you can watch to kill five to ten minutes. Click the panel to go to my Page!
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If you want to support me maybe buying superfluous stuff and definitely paying my student loans, send me money! Click this panel to be taken to a page that will help you make poor financial decisions!
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Enjoying the stream? The best way to support it is to subscribe! You won't see any ads, you'll get a subscriber badge and a custom emote to spam wherever you please! Disclaimer: I don't have any custom emotes yet. Plus if you have Twitch Prime, you have one free sub each month to use on whomever you like! Consider me or any of your favorite streamers for some of that sweet sweet Amazon cash!
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A lot of the things on my instagram end up being cosplay related these days. But feel free to check it out! Click this panel and you'll go there