Záhlaví kanálu tmanvgc

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Hi, I'm Tommy Cooleen! I stream Pokemon VGC matches as well as other various Pokemon content.

Obsah panelu
Hi! I'm Tommy Valentine Cooleen, also known as Tman. I'm a college student currently studying Computer Science! I've played Pokemon from the moment I touched a Gameboy Advance in 2004 with Pokemon Sapphire. I started playing VGC as a senior in 2013, before aging up to Masters in 2014 for my first full season. I'm always willing to help out in any way that I can. Always feel free to ask questions in the chat and I'll do my best to answer them. If you ever need to get in contact with me, don't hesitate to tweet at me, or send an email to my stream address.
Obsah panelu
I plan to stream somewhere between 3-4 times a week! I'll be streaming various forms of Pokemon content, with a majority of it being Pokemon's VGC rule set. Schedule is a bit sporadic for the time being but make sure to follow to stay up to date! If you're feel like supporting the stream, feel free to drop any amount here. I appreciate everything, but the best way to support me is to just drop me a follow and show your love in the chat. [Donate](https://streamlabs.com/tmanvgc)
Obsah panelu
[Twitter](https://twitter.com/TmanVGC) Youtube: youtube.com/TmanVGC Email: tmantwitch@gmail.com
Obsah panelu
Here are some helpful links for those new to VGC! [Pokemon Championship Series Page](http://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/pokemon-events/pokemon-tournaments/) [Trainer Tower](http://www.trainertower.com/)
Obsah panelu
2016 London International Championships Top 8 2016 Madison Regional Championships Top 8 2016 Virginia Regional Championships Top 4 2015 Lancaster Regional Championships Top 4 2015 Florida Regional Championships Top 16 2014 Massachusetts Regional Championships Top 8 2014 Virginia Regional Championships Top 16 (9-0 Swiss)